How To Get Started With CBD

by | Jul 4, 2020 | CBD 101

 If you’ve been thinking about trying CBD for the first time, this article is for you.  With so many sweeping changes taking place in our world today, many baby boomers are in search of alternative health and nutritonal supplements.

For decades so many of us have been struggling with the harmful side effects of certain pharmaceutical drugs to the point of exhaustion for many.  During this period of our history, pharmaceuticals were the only option baby boomers had.

My how times have changed.  With the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill by Congress, CBD was “legalized” and available for sale in all 50 US states.  To be specific, CBD was removed from the list of controlled substances and no longer was classified as an illegal drug.  

What Do You Need To Know About CBD?

CBD stands for cannabidiol and is one of over 150 different cannabinoids found in the hemp plant.  Just to clarify, you can think of the hemp and marijuana plant as cousins.  The obvious difference being that marijuana can contain high levels of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) which can get you high.

Depending on your health goals, you can only benefit by doing some basic research before making your first CBD product purchase.  Based on our research there are over 2,000 CBD brands in the United States alone.  But all companies and brands were not created equal.  What type of CBD products should you look for?  And most importantly, what does a high quality CBD product have?

In our view, the most important factor you should consider when buying CBD is to identify the product’s source.  A product’s source refers to where the hemp plants are grown.  But how do you find this out? Your best bet is to make sure the CBD brand you purchase from has a direct relationship with the actual hemp farmers.  Contact the CBD company directly and ask them to provide this information to you.  Fortunately, many reputable CBD brands post this information on their websites. 

The best way to confirm CBD product quality is to review the certificate of authenticity which should be listed on the company website.  A certificate of authority is a fancy way of saying “lab results.”  When you review this document, just make sure that are no traces of any herbicides, pesticides, heavy metals or harmful chemicals.

Once you’ve decided upon a CBD brand and want to make your first purchase, we recommend starting off with a lower strength CBD tincture (oil).  The says goes “start low and start slowly.” 

Start with 3-4 drops under your tongue initially.  Increase your dose until you find that “sweet spot” – you’ll know it once you find it.  Once you have been taking the CBD product for at least one month, you can then purchase a stronger strength If you wish.  Remember to always keep your CBD products stored in a dry, dark place.  CBD oil can lose its effectiveness if exposed to the sun.

We hope this information helps you to take a bold step forward with your health today.  If you ever have a question about CBD or any of our products, please email us at  We are here to help.

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