Statistics reveal that 1 in 4 American workers have chronic back pain. As of 2017 (according to, 65% of Americans have had neck or back pain for at least the last five years. While 49% of Americans consider themselves prone to back pain and 55% of Americans self-treated their own back pain. These statistics on back pain are troubling, to say the least.
The number one recommended treatment for chronic back pain in the United States is prescription drugs, a majority of which are opioid-based. Opioids are derived from the poppy plant. This same plant is used to produce heroin. This trend has become very troubling for the millions of boomers who struggle to manage their chronic back pain every day.
Most realize that there has been an opioid epidemic in the United States for at least the last two decades. The bottom line here is that opioid-based prescription drugs are highly addictive and can cause immeasurable damage to the lives of those who are taking them.
In some extreme cases, certain physicians will abruptly take a chronic back pain patient off these opioid-based prescription drugs – not understanding the consequences that accompany these severe withdrawal symptoms. In some cases, these same patients are forced to turn to the street and purchase illegal drugs like heroin or fentanyl just to avoid becoming sick from withdrawals (which can last several days to a week).

Given this set of sobering facts, wouldn’t it be more beneficial if there was a safe, all-natural, and more effective treatment available to those suffering from back pain? As you probably have already heard, CBD wellness products are taking the world by storm and offer a real alternative to prescription drugs that have been pushed by the conventional healthcare system for so long. Let’s now take a closer look at what CBD has to offer those who suffer from chronic back pain.
Does CBD Work For Back Pain?
According to the Green Dragon Gold CBD website, a single care study revealed that the most common use of CBD was for the relief of pain (64%), 42% of baby boomers use CBD to relieve the symptoms of joint (shoulders, hips, knees, elbows) pain. Of those who used CBD, 22% reported that it helped them supplement or replace prescription or over-the-counter drugs. The movement away from pharmaceutical-based drugs and toward holistic alternatives is an emerging trend in our healthcare system today

How CBD Works For Different Types Of Back Pain
According to, whether applied orally or topically the facts about CBD oil are that this natural compound has a very, positive effect on arthritis pain. It was also determined that CBD reduced joint inflammation and protects the nerves from damage. Let it be noted that when you reduce inflammation in the body, you also reduce pain levels.
In a February 2020 article on, a published report highlighted that using CBD oil in the treatment of pain has been very promising. From yet another 2016 study conducted on rats, the application of CBD oil showed a dramatic reduction in inflammation in joints as well as overall pain caused by arthritis. Even more remarkable was the complete absence of any side effects.
Spinal Injury
Published on the website, spinal stenosis (aka spinal injury) creates inflammation which causes pain. CBD oil is effective in this regard because the compound interacts with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) which is a network of receptors that play a large role in brain function and nervous system regulation.
CBD interacts mainly with receptors at CB1 and CB2 and is known to disrupt the chemical messages that cause pain and inflammation. CBD also binds to TRPV1 cells which regulate temperature and inflammation in many parts of the body.
According to, CBD oil is also having excellent effects on the treatment of spinal injuries. This is yet another huge area where CBD is having a big impact on the lives of chronic back pain patients. This is exciting news!
Different Forms Of CBD Oil For Back Pain
Pure CBD Oil: This oil is taken directly from hemp plant and carries with it the most potent dose available. CBD can be ingested via a vape pen – though we do not recommend this method.. Additionally, Liquids or tinctures which contain pure CBD oil are the most popular among active aging boomers.
These products can be either sprayed into the mouth or under the tongue. It is recommended that CBD tinctures be held under the tongue for 30 – 60 seconds then swallowed.
CBD Capsules
CBD capsules are pretty self-explanatory. You just take them with a glass of water like a vitamin. CBD capsules are a great option since boomers already purchase nutritional supplements. CBD can be a great addition to your supplement routine.
CBD Cream
CBD topicals have earned a reputation for being the best product option for managing chronic pain. Topicals offer the highest absorption rate because these products do not pass through the digestive system. CBD topicals are applied directly to the skin of the affected area resulting in a much higher absorption rate.
In a 2017 review of the safety and side effects of CBD oil in the treatment of pain, the compound has been found to have virtually no side effects and deemed very safe for use. The review went on to note that many participants in these studies responded to varying levels of CBD dosages starting from 50 milligrams going up to 1,500 milligrams per day.
How Much CBD Should You Take For Back Pain?

In most cases, starting with a very, low dose is the best way to introduce yourself to CBD. Pay close attention to how CBD makes you feel and begin to increase the dose if you are still experiencing pain and inflammation. Remember that most chronic back pain patients normally require higher daily doses to enjoy CBD’s optimum benefits.
However, there are other factors affecting the proper dosing amount:
- Your body weight
- Your body chemistry
- The severity of your back pain
- The potency of the CBD you are taking
For the management of back pain symptoms, it’s recommended to begin with 40 mg of CBD per day. You may increase this by 10 mg each week until you find the pain becoming more manageable. Many research study participants reported noticing a reduction in their back pain when taking 50-60 mg of CBD per day.
If you are currently taking a CBD tincture, gummy or gel cap, refer to your product’s label for dosing guidelines. Most 1 oz CBD tinctures contain thirty servings. CBD can be taken once or twice daily. These decisions are up to you.
Potential Risks And Side Effects
When comparing the overall effectiveness of CBD oil to that of opioid prescription medications, over 50% of participants reported the pain-relieving effects of CBD as comparable to or better than those of their prescription counterparts. The effectiveness of CBD in helping to manage the symptoms of chronic back pain has been clearly established.
Another factor to be considered is the very favorable side effect profile of CBD. Compared to opioid-based prescriptions, CBD is clearly the safer alternative. These new facts cannot be overstated.
This new trend in health and wellness is here to stay and will pave the way for many baby boomers to begin managing their chronic pain conditions. When you begin to control and reduce your pain, you can take back your life.
When you feel better – you can begin to re-engage with your life. Taking those much-needed walks in the park along with spending quality time with family and friends. CBD can help to get you there – at least that’s what the research is telling us. In the end, these decisions are all up to you. Choose wisely.
You have nothing to lose and a life of pain-free living to gain.