CBD Oil For Cat Anxiety

by | Dec 18, 2020 | CBD For Anxiety

CBD for cats with anxiety is something an increasing number of pet owners have been curious about for quite some time.  Just like dogs, cats can suffer with anxiety too.  This uncomfortable condition can contribute to your favorite pet sometimes misbehaving and experiencing other negative consequences. 

 You might be wondering, does CBD for a cat’s anxiety really work? Well, here is everything you need to know about the connection between cats and anxiety, and whether CBD can help alleviate the problem.

What Causes Cat Anxiety?

You may see anxiety in cat behaviors that appear to be destructive or seemingly rude in some way. Cats are highly, sensitive creatures and can be adversely affected by certain changes in their environment. Whenever an outside event or condition disrupts their normal routine, cats can become anxious and display telltale signs that there’s a problem.

Some of the most common triggers for anxiety in cats include moving to a new home, bringing a new pet into the family, or changing the regular feeding schedule.   Even the simple act of moving furniture to a new location in your living room can create anxiety in your cat.

Anxiety can also be triggered in cats when they are bored.  When this situation occurs, your cat may begin to engage in some destructive behaviors, simply because there is nothing better to do. Providing your cat with a new toy can capture their attention and help them to relax. 

Other causes of anxiety in cats are when they experience trauma or physical pain.  An injured paw, being chased by a dog, or dealing with a stomachache can cause most cats to start feeling anxious.  These reactions are very predictable.  We would all react the same way.  A CBD treat for cat anxiety may be just the thing needed here to manage the situation.

Several other causes of cat anxiety include:

  • Being left home alone
  • Being transported in an automobile
  • Being placed inside a cat carrier
  • Taking a trip to the veterinarian
  • Having new people over to visit at home

Different Types And Behaviorial Symptoms Of Cat Anxiety

There are several different types and behavioral symptoms of cat anxiety. By triggering the fear response, cats start acting out in a number of different ways. If you have a rescue cat, these conditions may be exaggerated due to any previous history of abuse or neglect.
Every cat (depending on upbringing and environment) will experience a various assortment of different symptoms related to anxiety. However, there are some commonalities among the symptoms.

Most common symptoms of cat anxiety:

  • Frequent pacing
  • Eating too much
  • Eating too little
  • Urination outside of the litterbox
  • Spraying on furniture and other areas of the house
  • Excessive grooming that leads to bald spots
  • Scratching furniture
  • Exhibiting aggressive behavior, including biting and clawing
  • Quick and unexpected changes in activity levels

How Can CBD Help With Cat Anxiety?

Introducing your cat to a high-quality CBD product may help to address a majority of the anxiety-related problems that have been highlighted in this article. Just like humans, cats have an endocannabinoid system, which is a major reason why CBD is so effective as a natural remedy for anxiety. The endocannabinoid system is responsible for processing the cannabinoid compound (CBD). Within the endocannabinoid system, there are two types of receptors, CB1 and CB2. Research has revealed that CBD binds with these various receptor sites and begins to create what is called “homeostasis.” Homeostasis is the key to good health for your pet.

For example, the endocannabinoid system is involved in initiating an inflammatory response when your cat suffers an injury. As additional research on this subject is made available, we can only imagine what new possibilities will emerge.

ECS helps to regulate
Recent research studies have discovered that the endocannabinoid system does play an important role in regulating anxiety. This process is called serotonin signaling and although research on this topic is just beginning – we do know that CBD appears to interact with a specific serotonin receptor called 5-HT-1A. From the looks of it, CBD boosts serotonin activity within the brain leading to improved mood and reduced anxiety. As serotonin levels increase, anxiety is reduced.

In fact, the way CBD works is akin to how antidepressants and anxiety medications affect the brain and neuroreceptor system. Antidepressants are also known as SSRIs, which stands for selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. SSRI’s block the absorption of serotonin temporarily. This neurochemical reaction leads to greater activity for the 5-HT-1A receptor in the brain. The most important takeaway here is that CBD can provide these same health benefits without any harmful side effects.

There was a study conducted in 2016 that discovered CBD was able to quickly increase serotonin levels within the ventromedial prefrontal cortex in mice. This is the area of the brain that regulates mood. In the study, it was confirmed that CBD worked even faster than conventional antidepressants.

There is also an interesting connection between CBD and the production of new brain cells, particularly within the hippocampus. This area of the brain is involved in creating, storing and recalling memories. The hippocampus is also involved in regulating emotions within this same area of the brain.

In 2013, research found that CBD had the ability to help spur the growth of new brain cells in the hippocampus. Mice were used in this research in order to observe the effects of CBD on the hippocampus. Researchers discovered that giving CBD to the mice lowered the stress response while increasing the endocannabinoid anandamide within the hippocampus. CBD boosts the so-called “bliss molecule” within the brain demonstrating that cats can feel their anxiety actually being reduced.

cbd for cat anxiety - block quote

Additionally, there have been studies that have found anandamide reduces anxiety, as well as the effects of stress. Hopefully, this new research will help to develop a new understanding of how helpful CBD can be for cats. It is becoming apparently clear there is a connection between the administering of CBD and the reduction of anxiety in cats. Isn’t it time to give your favorite kitty a much-needed break?

Is CBD Safe For Cats?

Is CBD safe for your cat to use? According to reports from veterinarians, along with the above referenced research, CBD appears to be very safe for your furry friends. You may want to guard against giving your cat a high dose of CBD initially. If the initial dose is too potent, it could cause your cat to become sleepy or have a slightly upset stomach. Always remember to start with a low amount of CBD, then increase the dose as needed.

How To Choose The Best CBD For Cat Anxiety

Choosing a CBD product for your cat does take a little bit of research (but that’s why we are here). Make sure you choose a high-quality product that has been independently tested by an approved third-party-laboratory. Most reputable CBD brands will have the lab results posted to their respective websites.

Hemp50Plus has specially-formulated CBD for cats that is safe, effective, and delicious for your furry friends. In our formula, we include bone broth collagen concentrate sourced from chicken, beef, and turkey.

This delicious combination makes taking CBD for your cat simple and easy. Our products do not contain any THC (0%) and have been tested by a third-party laboratory.

Dosage Of CBD For Cats

Once you have purchased your CBD for cats with anxiety product, you will want to make sure you are giving your pet the ideal dosage. There is no such thing as a generic dose or standard approved dose as of right now. However, there are many opinions about what constitutes the “right” dose. What we recommend is calculating the appropriate dose for your cat.

To determine how much CBD to administer to your cat, you should first aim to give them a small amount. Typically, a low dosage is around 0.05 mg of CBD oil for each pound of their weight. For example, if they weigh 5 lbs, give them 0.25 mg of CBD oil. You could consider this to be a full dose. This dose can be given twice a day.

cbd dosing chart for cats

Once you calculate the proper dosage, make sure your routine is consistent. When you see that your cat is responding well to the low dose, meaning their anxiety been reduced, then keep giving them the same dose. There shouldn’t be any reason to go any higher.

However, if you continue to observe that your cat is struggling with anxiety, then you can increase the dose to 0.125 mg for each pound of body weight, given to them twice a day. If this is still not enough, then you can consider providing them with a high dose, which is 0.25 mg per pound of body weight, twice a day.

Final Thoughts

Once you have purchased your CBD for cats with anxiety product, you will want to make sure you are giving your pet the ideal dosage. There is no such thing as a generic dose or standard approved dose as of right now. However, there are many opinions about what constitutes the “right” dose. What we recommend is calculating the appropriate dose for your cat.

To determine how much CBD to administer to your cat, you should first aim to give them a small amount. Typically, a low dosage is around 0.05 mg of CBD oil for each pound of their weight. For example, if they weigh 5 lbs, give them 0.25 mg of CBD oil. You could consider this to be a full dose. This dose can be given twice a day.

Once you calculate the proper dosage, make sure your routine is consistent. When you see that your cat is responding well to the low dose, meaning their anxiety been reduced, then keep giving them the same dose. There shouldn’t be any reason to go any higher.

However, if you continue to observe that your cat is struggling with anxiety, then you can increase the dose to 0.125 mg for each pound of body weight, given to them twice a day. If this is still not enough, then you can consider providing them with a high dose, which is 0.25 mg per pound of body weight, twice a day.

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